package blog.samila.i18n; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.ResourceBundle; public class Application { ResourceBundle messages; public Application(Locale locale) { this.messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle("messages",locale); } public void start() { System.out.println(messages.getString("application.started")); System.out.println(messages.getString("application.running")); System.out.println(messages.getString("application.stopped")); System.out.println(); } public static void main(String[] args) { new Application(new Locale("sv", "SE")).start(); new Application(new Locale("de", "DE")).start(); } }
This application prints three messages as defined according to Swedish and German languages. Now create follwoing files. These messages must be defined in external property files created in src folder of your project in IDE or in class path if you are running from a jar.
application.started=igång application.running=rinnande
application.started=gestartet application.running=läuft
application.started=started application.running=running application.stopped=stopped
Your text must be defined in properties files as shown above. File name must begin with the name you use in getBundle() method which is 'messages' in this example. Remaining part of the name is constituted by appending the language code and country code separated by '_'. File with no language code nor country code is the default file. In case of a defined locale cannot be found or if the required message could not be found, this file is referred by the application. Now run the application and you will get the following output.
igång rinnande stoppad gestartet läuft gestoppt
These texts are taken from, which includes Swedish and German texts respectively. The selected file is determined by the locale you specified as you can see in the code above. Locale object can be created by specifying language code and country code respectively. Use of dot separated keys in language files increases the readability and creates a good namespace. You can internationalize your Labels, JButtons, etc simply using this concept. In this manner you can start internationalization of your Java application and further you can add number formatting etc.